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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Lie #6 in Sales & Marketing

Lie #6: 'People need to see your advertisement 6-12 times before they'll remember it.'

If your ad does not work one time, it ain't going to work twelve times. This lie is used to sell all sorts of advertising space and campaigns that are a waste of money. And because the people who tell you this ALSO tell you you can't measure advertising, you have no way of knowing whether they're right or wrong.

You pull the big black checkbook out of your desk, spend a bunch of money, and you have no idea what you got back. What
a horrible feeling that is!
First, figure out how much response you need to make it pay off. Play with the elements of your ad, running it in an inexpensive place, until it gets the response you need - THEN run it six to twelve times. When you measure the effectiveness of advertising - and systematically improve it - you'll discover that some ads produce 20 times as much results as others. When you discover formulas that truly work, you won't just run them 12 times - you might run them for years. And you'll make profits all along the way.

And when you actually test marketing messages for performance and experiment with them, you'll find that tiny changes in wording have ENORMOUS effects on response.

It's absolutely SCARY to think about what can happen if you're not testing things. And it's absolutely incredible what happens when you are.

The good news is, 95% of companies don't test their advertising. Your competitors almost certainly don't. If you do, you have a clear advantage over them.

Original Source: Perry Marshall

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